Energy Saving in Gerbera production
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- Energy Saving in Gerbera production
In a Dutch research project, 46% of the energy input during production of Gerbera cut-flowers was saved in comparison to conventional protocols where the benchmark was 53m3 of natural gas equivalent per m2 of heating and lighting. The experiment examined production from the planting period in week 30 for 30 weeks 2009-2010. By controlling the RH of forced fresh air ventilation combined with appropriate heating strategies, very little flower damage by Botrytis was found and the duration of the flowers was good. Additional savings were made by the additional use of screens and more efficient lighting. Significant differences were observed between varieties.

In the second year of the study (2010-2011) a 50% saving in energy saving was achieved together with a 10% increase in production over the predicted values. Compared to the first year, more supplementary light was used but less heat was needed. The capacity of 10 m3/m2 forced ventilation was for most of the year sufficient.

The study called ‘The Next Generation Cultivation of Gerbera' was condicted by the Flori Consult Group and UR Wageningen Greenhouse Horticulture in GreenQ Improvement Centre, Bleiswijk. Green Improvement Centre is composed of public bodies and private companies united in a Horticultural Expertise Group. It is open to professionals by appointment. For further information, Fax: 0031 105223431, Email Marc Grootscholten: Flori Consult Group is a professional advisory bureau for Gerbera and Alstroemeria. For UR Wageningen, Arie de Gelder:

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